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Building a new home or doing major renovations to your existing home can help you get everything you want and avoid paying for features you don’t need. Building usually costs more than buying. How much more depends on a number of variables.
One important variable is the age of the existing home you’re considering for purchase. Would an investment in upgrades like a new roof be inevitable during your time in the home? If so, factor that cost into the big picture.
Features and amenities also factor into the cost of building a new home. The more you add, the more you pay. A newly constructed home generally doesn’t have any natural landscaping around it, so that’s an added expense, and it may take a few years to get that hedge the way you want it.
On the other hand, a new home boasts new equipment, so upkeep for many major items like an HVAC system or a roof shouldn’t represent expenses anytime soon.
And what about location, location, location? That mountain view costs money, count on it. Then again, that could be true for a new or existing home.
You get the point: the variables seem endless when considering new construction versus the purchase of an existing home. And every situation is unique.
At Evergreen Home Loans™, our construction loan experts can factor in even the toughest of scenarios and help determine which approach is right for you. Our experts will also help you determine the kind of financing that will get the job done.
Dream on.
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