"We won against a $50,000 higher offer and closed in 10 business days, because of CashUp® by Evergreen."
-Jessica Neice, customer
Daniel Liegey
Home Buying
“We had the Security Plus Seller Guarantee from Evergreen and competed against two offers at full asking price.”
In 2009, when Daniel Liegey and his wife bought a house near Richland, Washington they considered it a starter home. Eight years and two kids later, they were ready for something new.
“With two kids, we wanted something bigger, closer to town, and in a better school district,” explains Daniel.
Surprisingly, within two weeks of listing their home, the family got an offer with a request to close in 30 days. Suddenly, the timeline of buying and selling a home increased dramatically.
“We had to hurry up and move,” recalls Daniel.
The Liegey’s reached out to Evergreen Loan Officer Don Ramos of the Kennewick branch to help. Don knew the sense of urgency meant the couple needed to be in the strongest position possible to purchase a home. So he recommended the Evergreen Security Plus Seller Guarantee®.
For qualified buyers, the program offers a preapproval that comes with a written guarantee. “The advantage to our program is the added security that you know you have a fully approved home loan amount,” said Don.
Don explains, “With a Security Plus preapproval, there’s not a lot of requirements needed once the home is under contract. The process generally goes smoothly and quickly while the homebuyers are busy planning their move.”
The program allowed the Liegey’s to approach the seller with a guaranteed offer, which also expedited the buying process. If for some reason the offer fell through, Evergreen would pay the seller $2,500*.
Daniel’s wife found a vacant home for sale and it was just what they needed – a bigger back yard, more up-to-date, and nearly a thousand square feet bigger than their previous home. The only issue was two offers were made on the home.
“The other two offers were for full asking price with paid closing costs. We offered all that plus $900 to close early. And we also had the Security Plus Seller Guarantee from Evergreen,” said Daniel.
The family’s offer was accepted. The closing and move-in date timed out well with the sale of their original house. Don believes the extra step of getting a strong preapproval with the seller guarantee gave him a significant advantage over other buyers.
“I’d love to offer Security Plus for all our clients,” said Don. “If we can get them underwritten and approved upfront, it makes the rest of the process much easier for everyone involved and avoids the rush.”
“Don recommended that we to do [the Security Plus Seller Guarantee]. I was so busy at work and we were in such a hurry to get into the house, I wasn’t going to argue with him,” comments Daniel. For Daniel and his family, it was a decision that gave them just what they needed – home, sweet, home.
*Applies to purchase loans only. To qualify, buyer’s Security Plus Approval/Seller Guarantee Addendum must have been issued by Evergreen and the Seller shall have executed the addendum with their signature at the time they execute the Purchase and Sale Agreement on subject property. Certain loan types do not qualify for this offer. Restrictions apply. This is a registered trademark of Evergreen Moneysource Mortgage Company.